A working solution for changing the default country in Google Apps for Business and making YouTube available to users
I’ve been using Google Apps for Businesses for over 5 years, more or less since I started my photography business, namely online licensing of photographs from Angola. Over the years, Google has gradually been adding services and apps to this excellent, subscription-based cloud solution. But for some of us, depending on the country from which the account was initially created, a vital service/app has been lacking all this time. That service is YouTube!
In my case I subscribed back in 2010 from Angola, where I live and work for the past 24 years. Until today, I used my Google Apps account for everything (from email, calendar and contacts to Google documents, Google drive and Google Plus) …except for YouTube.
For the latter I had to use a separate account with an old personal e-mail address of mine that I had registered with Gmail many years ago. That was very frustrating, because I had to switch accounts many, many times a day. Alternatively I used different browsers (Google Chrome for YouTube and Safari for everything else, logged into different Google accounts from each browser).
After joining Google Plus last year with both a personal profile and a company profile, managing the two Google accounts became unbearable. Nowadays, making a living from photography requires a solid online presence, activity and tight social network integration. This is impossible to achieve with different accounts, thus with different identities.
Like many of you, I was faced with a huge problem: YouTube is not personalised for Angola and thus it wasn’t available as a service/app in my Google Apps for Businesses account. I’ve been digging the Internet for months in search of a solution, but in vain and only to discover, that the only way of adding YouTube as a service is by changing the default country of the Google Apps Account. Unfortunately I also found out that this is absolutely impossible. There is no such functionality and for some reason Google has no intention of implementing it in the near or far future (the problem has been around for years and frustrated users in my situation have been flooding the forums with related questions).
Finally, after trying numerous pseudo-solutions in vain and when all hope was lost, I decided calling Google Support. The lady technician on the other end of the line reassured me that what I’m trying to achieve is, indeed, NOT possible. Eventually I could download/export all my data (and all user’s data, emails, contacts, calendars, docs, drive, G+, etc.), then close the account, wait for 72hrs and create a new account specifying a different country…one that has a personalised YouTube page (see the below screen shot for a list of countries with YouTube). After that I would need to upload/import all the data into the new account. This is physically impossible and would take me ages.

But I was lucky! That was my lucky day! Something spontaneously came across the support gal’s mind: the idea to move my Google Apps account under a Google Trusted Partner (reseller) account in my country of choice. In my case, as a Bulgarian citizen, I chose a reseller in Sofia (here is the link to find Google Enterprise Partners in your area, or another country where YouTube is available /see image above/ – https://www.google.com/a/partnersearch/)
I picked up the phone and called Solitex, explained the case and they confessed that they have never had such a request and that they are not sure it will work, meaning that YouTube could continue unavailable as a service for my Google Apps account and my users. But we decided to go ahead and give it a try.
They placed a request with Google for the transfer of the account and gave me instructions to generate a transfer token from within my account (log into your Google Apps account and go to https://admin.google.com/TransferToken).
24hrs later YouTube appeared in the list of available apps/services. I made it available to all my users and myself. Now I have 2 brand new YouTube channels – a personal one and one for my image bank – both associated with my Google Apps email! One identity for all services, all channels.
What a relief.
I hope this article helps a lot of you out there who are in the same situation.
Now I’m heading to YouTube to setup my new profiles. Bye.

A Navegar no Oceano Atlántico (Blocko 17, Angola deep offshore), Fevereiro de 2014
Uma Bússola Giroscópica, também conhecida como Girocompasso, é semelhante a um giroscópio. É uma bússola que identifica o norte verdadeiro utilizando eletricidade, volantes de inércia girando em alta velocidade, atrito ou outras forças a fim de explorar leis básicas da física e da rotação da Terra. Bússolas giroscópicas são muito utilizadas em navios. As bússolas giroscópicas navais possuem duas vantagens principais em relação à bússola magnética:
- Procuram o norte verdadeiro, isto é, o ponto da superfície terrestre posicionado diretamente acima do eixo de rotação do planeta. Este ponto é deslocado em relação ao norte magnético – um aspecto muito importante para a navegação, e
- Não são afectados por campos magnéticos externos, que normalmente desvia uma bússola normal. Esses campos magnéticos são criados pelos metais utilizados na construção dos próprios navios.
Esta bússola giroscópica foi fotografada a bordo do navio Borealis da empresa Subsea 7 enquanto efectuava manobras essenciais para instalação de equipamentos subaquáticos para o projecto CLOV da TOTAL E&P em Angola no Blogo 17.
Tecelão-de-máscara, Tecelão-de-máscara-setentrional (fêmea) – Lat.: Ploceus velatus.
Exposição Internacional em Nova Iorque: “The Story of the Creative”
Caros amigos, seguidores e clientes,
Algumas fotografias do nosso banco de imagens foram selecionadas para serem exibidas numa exposição internacional denominada “The Story of the Creative” que terá lugar na cidade de Nova Iorque nos EUA. A inauguração será na quinta-feira, dia 25 de Julho de 2013, a partir das 19h00. A exposição estará aberta até ao dia 10 de Setembro de 2013 ao público em geral e a entrada é livre. Quem estiver nesta cidade e por perto nesta altura, está convidado 🙂
Segue a morada e coordenadas:
- Angel Orensanz Foundations – 172 Norfolk Street, New York NY, 10002
- Coordenadas do Google Maps: http://goo.gl/maps/jhfft
- RSVP para: annielaurie@see.me
Angola Image Bank
O Angola Image Bank foi premiado na Categoria Ouro pela “International Star Award for Quality”
Com grande satisfação informamos os nossos clientes, seguidores e amigos, que o Angola Image Bank foi premiado na Categoria Ouro pela “International Star Award for Quality” na XXXVII Convenção Internacional da Qualidade realizada em Genebra, Suíça de 29 a 30 de Setembro de 2012. Recebemos a carta ha poucos dias e hoje partilhamos esta excelente notícia com todos vocês.
A todos apresentamos o nosso profundo agradecimento! Sem o vosso apoio contínuo e incondicional nada disso seria possível! OBRIGADO!
O International Star Award for Quality (ISAQ) da Business Initiative Directions (BID) é oferecido em reconhecimento às empresas ou organizações em diferentes países de todo o mundo que promovem a sua reputação e posição implementando e fornecendo a cultura da qualidade.
O prêmio reconhece e encoraja a contribuição de empresas e organizações à qualidade, melhora contínua e satisfação dos clientes, desenvolvendo também as relações com os funcionários, fornecedores e com todos os associados à empresa.
O Prêmio Internacional ISAQ é oferecido a cada organização como entidade, pelo seu sucesso corporativo, por reconhecimento à sua liderança, qualidade, inovação, excelência, tecnologia, serviço ao cliente e prestígio. Com essa finalidade, um processo de votação foi realizado durante o Congresso Global B.I.D. com reuniões em. Paris, Londres, Genebra, Frankfurt, Madrid e Nova Iorque durante os últimos dez meses, baseados em um ou muitos dos conceitos a seguir:
- Os princípios OC100;
- Satisfação do Cliente;
- Inovação;
- Liderança;
- Tecnologia;
- Melhores Práticas;
- Resultados de Negócio;
- ISO 9000;
- Gestão da Qualidade Total (TQM).
Além do processo de votação, realizado por meio de encontros pessoais com líderes de negócios, por correspondência e votações “on-line”, B.I.D. recolhe informações por meio de consultas aos media (jornal, rádio e televisão), empresas de consultoria, agências de publicidade, feiras de negócios e exposições, câmaras de comércio, embaixadas e pesquisas, que são analisadas pelo comitê de seleção Prêmio ISAQ que decide a escolha final dos premiados.
A B.I.D. Business lnitiative Directions premia desde 1986 empresas e profissionais de 178 países. Todos os anos os meios de comunicação difundem noticias relativas a cada um dos concursos anuais, tornando famosos os premiados e as empresas que representam. A B.I.D. publica jornais, livros, revistas e material televisivo em inglês, espanhol, francês, português e russo. As suas publicações encontram-se orientadas para a política das empresas nas áreas da qualidade, comércio nacional, comércio internacional, novos produtos e recursos financeiros na indústria e no setor de prestação de serviços. Os seus clientes vão desde grandes corporações multinacionais a pequenas empresas do mercado local.
Final do dia na Fenda do Bimbe. Huíla, Angola.
Final do dia na Fenda do Bimbe. É mais um lugar mágico na província da Huíla, ha uns quilómetros da Humpata, aonde se chega com esforço, subindo por uma picada bastante intransitável. Um lugar com vista privilegiada na margem do Planalto, de onde se vê bem a escarpa que se eleva abruptamente por quase 1000m e neste ponto atinge uma altitude de quase 2300m acima do nível do mar.
Lá, na época das chuvas, ha vezes que no mesmo dia alternam 4 estações! Este era um dia assim! Dia de verão, mas bastante frio, tinha acabado de chover torrencialmente, o nevoeiro estava a levantar-se devagar como bolas de algodão e revelava as terras dos Mucubais lá em baixo ao longe, agora iluminadas pelos mágicos raios do sol do fim da tarde.
O ar limpo e refrescante, aquele cheiro pós-chuva, a vegetação tão única destas altitudes e paralelos, as rochas estranhamente amontoadas…tudo parecia surreal, e por ventura, extremamente semelhante ao lugar mágico do filme desenhado “UP!”. O sol lutava com as nuvens, mas estas prevaleceram em poucos minutos, o céu fechou-se novamente com séria ameaça de mais chuva, a temperatura baixou bruscamente para 14ºC e rapidamente tirei esta sequência de fotos enquanto andava boquiaberto, sem saber qual maravilha fotografar primeiro.
Um excelente dia de verão, fresco, no coração de Angola.
Visite Angola Image Bank em http://www.angolaimagebank.com para mais fotos do mesmo lugar…
Dunas brancas e planta halófita no Flamingo Lodge (Namibe, Angola)
Chegamos ao final da tarde no Flamingo Lodge situado na costa atlântica, no deserto de Namibe. Pelo caminho conduzimos por estas dunas incríveis de areia branca e padrões de zebra criados pelo vento. De manhã acordamos cedo e fomos directo para as dunas para fotografá-las. Está aqui um detalhe da areia e da vegetação. As plantas halófitas crescem naturalmente em lugares aonde são afectadas pela salinidade tanto no solo, como nas folhas.
Praia perto do Flamingo Lodge. Namibe, Angola.
Esta imagem pode ser licenciado para uso comercial ou pessoal em Angola Image Bank
The #1 top rated photo at World Photography Organization is Angola Image Bank’s foggy evening shot of the road at Serra da Leba
The World Photography Organisation (WPO), which proudly supports professional, amateur and student photography and lends a global platform for the photographic industry to communicate, network and showcase current trends in Photojournalism, Fine Art and Commercial Photography, is showcasing the top rated 500 images from the 2010 Sony World Photography Awards 2011 competition and, for now, the first place is taken by Angola Image Bank’s foggy evening shot of the road at Serra da Leba taken by Kostadin Luchansky in January of 2010. The competition ends on January the 15th, 2011.
This photo and many more fine art images from Angola can be licensed at Angola Image Bank’s web site with rights managed, royalty free or personal use licenses.
Best of 2010 – one of this year’s Top 10 photos from National Geographic is the road at Serra da Leba in Lubango, Angola
See this breathtaking photo from May 13, and other amazing images in National Geographic’s Best of 2010 gallery. To never miss another Photo of the Day, visit nationalgeographic.com daily.
Learn more about Angola, see photos of this amazing country, and view images of people, weather and nature.
National Geographic’s “Photo of the Day” for MAY 12, 2010 is Serra da Leba road at night by Angola Image Bank (AIB)
National Geographic has elected Angola Image Bank’s evening shot of Huila’s Serra da Leba road as “Photo of the Day” for May 12th, 2010. This image is available for download as a desktop wallpaper directly from National Geographic’s Web site (1600 x 1200 pixels). Rights managed and royalty free licensing for this photograph is available at Angola Image Bank’s Web site.
National Geographic Photography Contest 2010 features one of Angola Image Bank’s photos
National Geographic Photography Contest 2010 has featured one of Angola Image Bank’s photos: the road at Serra da Leba at night, by Kostadin Luchansky, shot on January the 2nd, 2010. The image appears in the “Places” gallery, Week 2, Image 13. You are welcome to give your vote in The Voting Machine (link opens in a new window)
NG Photo Contest featured images link: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/photo-contest/2010/entries/gallery/places-week-2/
Voting Machine: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/photo-contest/2010/entries/rate/places-week-2/#/3431
Success on Tumblr: Angola Image Bank’s photo receives 12000+ notes
The nocturnal photo of the road at Serra da Leba is having a huge success on Tumblr. It appeared today on the Radar and now has more than 12000 notes as you can see here: direct link (opens in a new window).
Yahoo features one of Angola Image Bank’s photos
Yahoo! News has featured one of Angola Image Bank’s photos, taken by Kostadin Luchansky in January 2nd 2010. Here is a direct link to the post (opens in a new window):
Another award won by AIB’s photo: this time the medal is silver!
Today, another one of Angola Image Bank’s photos (taken by Kostadin Luchansky, KODILU, in 2004 in Luanda) was awarded a Silver Photography Award by the International Aperture Awards competition.
Plopped in the middle of a busy downtown street in Angola’s capital city of Luanda, four boys take advantage of a sinkhole formed when a water main ruptured beneath the pavement. Traffic was passing right by them. Luanda’s water supply is limited, so this hole and another “upstream” drew crowds for days. Kids were bathing, playing, and fetching water to wash cars. The holes got larger and larger every day, but they didn’t seem to be bothered. A stream of happiness for some turned out to be a big urban problem for others.
The original photo can be seen below and by clicking on it you will be taken to the AIB’s e-Store where you can:
- download a free copy for personal use (500 pixels. Might be watermarked at the bottom);
- order a print on canvas or paper (delivered World Wide);
- obtain a rights managed or royalty free licence for commercial, editorial, marketing or other use.
AIB’s photo wins a bronze medal award
Today, one of Angola Image Bank’s photos (taken by Kostadin Luchansky, KODILU, in 2004 in Luanda) was awarded a Bronze Photography Award by the International Aperture Awards competition.
Plopped in the middle of a busy downtown street in Angola’s capital city of Luanda, four boys take advantage of a sinkhole formed when a water main ruptured beneath the pavement. Traffic was passing right by them. Luanda’s water supply is limited, so this hole and another “upstream” drew crowds for days. Kids were bathing, playing, and fetching water to wash cars. The holes got larger and larger every day, but they didn’t seem to be bothered. A stream of happiness for some turned out to be a big urban problem for others.
The original photo can be seen below and by clicking on it you will be taken to the AIB’s E-Store where you can:
- download a free copy for personal use (500 pixels. Might be watermarked at the bottom);
- order a print on canvas or paper (delivered World Wide);
- obtain a rights managed or royalty free licence for commercial, editorial, marketing or other use.
Sea, sun, sunset, reflections and birds!
After the wedding party of a long time colleague and friend, I was driving back to Luanda from Kwanza Lodge when I drove by Saco dos Flamingos and decided to take a turn left and drive around the salt flats. The tide was at its highest point, the sun was setting and this is the perfect opportunity to see many flocks of birds along the shore. And that was the case. I lowered my window, grabbed my Nikon D300s, mounted the Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 fitted with the Nokon 2.0x tele-converter, switched to Aperture Priority and dialed in f/2.8, EV to -1.0 and the ISO to 400. Then took a couple of shots and the below is one of them.
Sea, sun, sunset, reflections and birds